Cyber X-Ploit Fair at Apex Life School
ChildSafeNet collaborated with Apex Life School, Saraswotinagar, Kathmandu to organize "Cyber X-Ploit" fair for school children on 14 September 2019 (28 Bhadra 2076) to raise awareness on cyber safety, cyber crime and digital citizenship.
The fair was attended by school students from Apex Life School and a number of schools from Kathmandu. They learned about cyber safety through various entertaining & educational activities, such as, ethical hacking simulations, stand-up comedy, flash-mob, face-painting, treasure hunt games, photo-sessions and DJ show.
Students demonstrated ethical hacking techniques and how venerable their information is on the internet and how to protect themselves when they use the internet. Students also learned to use the digital technology constructively and limit their screen time.
David Gurung, IT teacher of the school had coordinated the programme. ChildSafeNet is pleased to support the fair.
Photos: Junu Vaidya, Anil Raghuvanshi & Srijana Ghimire, ChildSafeNet